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2024-11-26 18:33:36




Talk about a game, sport or other group activity that is played in your country. Explain why you think the activity is enjoyable.


Speaking Rubric Score: 2.5 — 3


Basketball is one group activity ❶ and it is played in my country with high frequency among people, ❷ no matter their age, status or gender. Numerous people play basketball ❸ to relaxation and get exercise. There is at least one basketball court situated in ❹ communities in my country, and people ranging from adults to children go to play regularly. After a long day’s work, many❺ people who work in the offices choose to play basketball to momentarily get rid of their ❻ tired work. For kids, running around and chasing the one with the ball is quite exciting.

Exercise Evaluation

General Description 【总体陈述印象】:


Topic Development 【话题发展】: 该答案采用金字塔结构,对篮球进行多角度描述,指出篮球的受众人群不分性别年龄,从children到adults都有【who】,人们打篮球的目的是得到放松和锻炼【why】,每个社区至少有一个篮球馆【where】,孩子们在打篮球的时候running and chasing【what】.在细节处理的时候,for kids…运用了举例的手法。但是,总体而言每个出发点的信息发散不集中,信息衔接时逻辑不连贯。

Language Use 【语言运用】: ❶ 句式过于简单:and it is句式过于简单;❷ 语法错误:no matter后面不单独接名词短语。表示不管、无论"之意,往往后面接what, when, where等等;❸ 语法错误:此处to后面需要接动词,同时,and表示并列结构,其后面为get,所以,relaxation前面也需要动词;❹ 语意不明:该处笔者的意思是【每个】社区里都会有至少一个篮球场,但是,communities的表达却不恰当;❺ 表达过于简单:可以用更有难度的短语带替代people who work in the offices;❻ 语法错误:tired的意思是感到累的,不是累人的。

Delivery 【语言表达】: 学生的整体回答缺少语调的变化,句与句以及词与词之间缺少有效停顿。该学生在发音方面出现了较多处错误,比如frequency,their,gender,communities,regularly等,也没有注意发音时弱化,翘舌,连读,略读。


Speaking Rubric Score: 3.5 — 4


Well, I believe Chinese chess ❶ has a large popularity in my country. In the first place, it requires ❷ a quick mind and great patience from the player. When playing this game, both of the players need to ❸ be completely focused to figure out which moves can threaten or even take their rival's move. And the players must consider at least 3 moves ahead before they place their piece. Additionally I think ❹ its relation to Chinese ancient history is also a ❺ critical factor for Chinese people, especially senior citizens to enjoy this game. People love talking about those legendary heroic events in the ancient times, so Chinese- chess ❻ can not only offer us a delightful gaming experience, but also fill in gap in our historical knowledge.

Exercise Evaluation

General Description 【总体陈述印象】:


Topic Development 【话题发展】:该答案采用典型的平行结构,thesis statement是选择中国象棋这一在中国受欢迎的sport进行描述,特征一该项运动需要下棋者拥有迅速的反应和足够的耐心。特征二是该项运动和中国古老的历史文明密切相关。细节处理上,When playing this game, …一句用了解释的手法论证quick mind和great patience. players must consider at least 3 moves运用了举例的手法。考生在回答时,运用well, I believe that …; in the first place; additionally I think …的句式,使整个答案层次更加分明。

Language Use 【语言运用】: ❶中在表达中国象棋非常受欢迎时,没有用常见的be popular,而是用名词形式,体现语汇多样性。❷准确地描述象棋需要下棋者迅速的反应力和冷静的头脑。❸中的be focused to do替换了考生常用的pay attention to doing. ❹中的its relation to 准确地表达了与…的关系。❺替换了考生常用的be important to. ❻中not only ... but also ...的句型提高了句子的层次。

Delivery 【语言表达】: 此学生的回答连贯性和语言的流畅性较好,很多词组的发音均有很好的发音习惯,如弱化figure out which…,at least,略读ancient history,talking about those,quick mind等;连读offer us,fill in等;卷舌great,players,before,factor for等。回答中,考生的语速均等,并且句与句、词与词之间有明显停顿,让考官听得很清楚。




3.Listen to yourself【听自己】:如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。其实现在很多口语材料都配备了相应的音频,你绝对应该把自己的声音录下来,然后跟相应的声音进行比较,只有这样一点一滴的去校对,录音,修改,再录音,这样一个过程走过几遍,你才会发现自己的声音才会接近真正地道英语者的发音。

4.Copy the experts【模仿专家】:英语为母语的人士是最好的老师。所以,注意听英语广播或英语电影、电视节目,听他们的发音,还要注意看他们的口形。不要看字幕,模仿你听到的声音,即使你不确定他们在说什么。

5.Find a partner【找伙伴】:从别人那里得到反馈是很重要的。有一个partner的话,你就会发现,哪怕你今天不想学,那么你的partner也会督促你,因为,你如果今天放弃了,那么对方也就失去了锻炼自己口语的机会。而且,当你有一个伙伴的时候,你的伙伴会非常迅速的发现你自己的问题,同时也就能及时纠正!

6.Be poetic【充满诗意】:大声地念诗、演讲,专注在字的重音和音调。因为,诗歌通常都是琅琅上口,有节奏感的,多多练习有助于提高英语水平。发音准了,语调对了,语感慢慢出来了,这对记忆单词和交流都有好处。


1、 放一句托福考试口语音频

2、 将音频暂停

3 、将刚才说的那句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

4 、放下一句托福口语音频

5、 将音频暂停

6 、将刚才说的那句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

7、 当跟读完10句话之后,将前面的10句话,连起来进行播放

8 、将音频暂停

9、 将刚才说的那10句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

10、 托福口语学习时注意,此处与前面不一样!将刚才播放的10句话再次进行播放5-10遍,同时让自己根据文本跟着口语音频跟着进行朗读5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

11 、再朗读一遍,同时将自己朗读的这10句话,也就是自己已经达到最纯熟的这10句话进行录音。

12、 将自己的录音,与口语音频的录音进行对比,将不同点,重新模仿,直到自己满意

13 、将自己最满意的音频再次进行录音

14 、重复前面的1-13步

15 、当跟读完100句之后,再将这100句重新进行播放5-10遍,同时让自己根据文本跟着口语音频跟着进行朗读5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

16、 将自己这100句最完美的朗读进行录音,并且与口语录音进行对比

17 、根据口语录音与口语音频的对比,再次修正自己的发音,重新模仿,直到自己满意

18 、将这100句进行录音,任务结束。


指南上对于连贯的描述是:the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow. 就是说观点之间的关系要明确,从一个观点讲到另外一个观点的过程也要很清楚。



其中一种方法就是所谓的明连接,主要体现在形式上:就是利用because, as, while, if, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless,first和 second等连词或者副词表达因果,并列和转折等关系。

另一种方法则是暗连接,主要体现在语义上: 通过使用指示代词、人称代词等对前一句中出现过的内容进行指代,或者对前一句话中出现的关键词进行转述,解释,从而形成自然的承接关系。

我们看下面一则故事的节选:Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention.


Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat there. The play was very interesting,but I did not enjoy it. It is because a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry with them for I could not hear the actors. I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention to me.


托福口语的回答可以看作是一个个的argument,对于连贯性的要求更高。除了句子之间要有联系以外,我们还要注意到段与段之间的联系。通常我们用总分【一个主题,两个分论点,每个分论点后面加例子】的结构来回答。主题句中表明观点后可以加上because,for two reasons 表明和后面两段话的因果关系。

而两个分论点前面可以用first和second这样的序数词来表示两段的并列关系,也可以在两段之间加上表示递进关系的what‘s more,further more, moreover等词。此外每个分论点的例子要在语义上【暗连接】对于分论点进行支持。

比如该题为:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In my view, people sometimes should do things that they don’t enjoy for two reasons:

In my view, people sometimes should do things that they don’t enjoy for two reasons: First, they can learn something new from it.

For example, when I was a senior high school student, I was asked to play a role in a play. I had never done that before and I didn’t want to do it. However, from that I gained a lot of experience about how to perform【呼应分论点一】.

Second, people may find that the things they don’t want to do are actually interesting. For example, when I was preparing for that play, I found that it was a lot of fun to learn my lines and perform with a large group of people. Because of this, I think doing things that I don’t like may turn out to be a good experience【此句呼应分论点二】.


